Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Latest Update

Well, it's been a while since I've posted any news here... let's see if I can sum it up in just a few words:

Candace and Both started our new jobs in October (on the same day) and both of us have been blessed with great jobs.

The house has still not sold, been once again we trust in God that He will provide what we need (not what we want).

The rains came and really stirred things up in the canyons again. A "mandatory" evacuation was called when the first storm came. Although Black Star was not included we were worried that since we share the same road we might not be able to get back into the canyon if we left. The Friday of the storm we both stayed home from work and sleep, ate ice cream and watched TV. It was nice to just not do anything for a day!!

Right now Candace and I are still involved with the donut ministry, the worship team and rehearsing with the Christmas Eve service choir. Candace (soprano) & Frank (bass) will be doing a quartet with two other choir members!

So, God is good, life is good!!!

If we don't "see" anyone before the Christmas... Merry Christmas!!

...and remember...


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