Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Update on Candace

Once again, thank you for your prayers & support!! Here is the latest:

Since Candace had the MRI with contrast, Michele Carpenter (her surgeon) found other lumps, so it was then that we made the final decision that the best way for Candace (us) to go would be having the bilateral Mastectomy with radiation and reconstruction (praise God it is covered by insurance!!). Ultimately the choice is Candace’s on what type procedure to do (she could have decided to do nothing if she wanted), so after researching, talking with other survivors and the doctor, and a lot of other factors, we together came up with the final decision, and are happy with it. Fortunately these days they have their acts a little bit more together, and although it will be a 5 to 5 ½ hour surgery, basically the surgeon will do the removal part and the reconstruction will be done right then by the plastic surgeon (a few follow-ups down the line). So after seeing the plastic surgeon on Thursday, the 20th, the two doctors get their schedulers together and find the surgery date, and that will be that. We am figuring at least a month off, but we will see.

Until we have more news, thanks & God bless,
Frank & Candace

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